What Made Me Love My Time at Grand Palladium Bavaro
Why I LOVED My Time At Grand Palladium Bavaro! When booking the Grand Palladium Resort & Spa Dominican Republic, it can get a bit confusing
Things are starting to go back to normal as Quarantine is slowly lifted. But not all of us are going out. Some of us are still playing it safe, and running out of things to do that are entertaining. Here’s my list of 25 quarantine games and activities you may not have done yet!
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If you miss your gambling kick, state lotteries are still open for business. Get those scratch offs girl!
There’s plenty of online games, like slots, blackjack, poker, etc that are free to download and free to play. You can’t play for real money in most states, but you can play for your local casino’s loyalty points that could eventually bump you into that next card level of membership benefits.
MyVegas games and MyKonami are my favorite apps. They connect with the M life Rewards Loyalty Program (MGM Casinos) where you can redeem your points for real life rewards. (Ex – Comped rooms , free meals, free trips, and free shows, etc) Learn more about what casinos don’t want you to know here.
Yes, we’ve all been living in our pajamas in quarantine… oh you haven’t? Just me? It’s been grand!
Switch it up and put some real clothes on. Give yourself a new persona for the day, week, or however long you want to do it for. Are you the kind of person who usually listens to country music in your pajamas? Flip the switch, start dressing up like you are going to the club and learn how to twerk to hip hop. Do you usually get lost in sci-fi series? Switch it up and watch Tiger King (you’re going to have to watch it eventually, it’s historic!). Just play around and try to do something different than your usual routine.
Use a crazy name for your to-go orders and coffee orders. Be a movie star or movie character every day and see if they notice after a while. Make sure it’s one that will bring a laugh. If you go by Angelina, that’s not as funny as if you chose Maleficent.
OK, so you’ve played all the quarantine games on Houseparty. Spice it up and do a GIF chain. Send a GIF from somewhere like Giphy to your friend and then they have to record the noise that they think the GIF is making. What is the GIF really saying? Is it just a noise? Or is it a whole sentence in a movement? This will be much more fun than just “hey, how you doin’.”
Wear the craziest outfit you can think of. Wear the craziest socks you own and keep them in your slippers as your crazy little secret. You could even start a competition between your friends on who has the craziest this or that. Send each other pictures and see who wins. Now’s the time to do it, before things return back to normal and you have to wear corporate looks all day.
You can play it with friends and give them the word they have to use throughout the day. I’m at my parent’s house right now so this one was a fun one for my sister and I to play around our parents. Either way, it’s sure to give you a good laugh during quarantine.
Feel free to get creative (and annoying) with this one. After watching hours of that Netflix show, I’m sure you picked something up by now. You can use the accent to say hi to people you walk past in the park, use it when you order at the drive through, use it at the gas station, talk to yourself while you’re cleaning, etc. Lately, I’ve been trying to master Killing Eve’s accents.
It will give you a laugh when you find it in five or ten years when you go through that box again. Put it on food in the freezer that you will probably forget is in there or the last beer in the back of the fridge. Even better if it’s someone else who finds it long after quarantine.
Ex – A Doja Cat lyric that’s famous on Tik Tok right now
Or – Dear beer, I think it is queer, that you survived quarantine and are still here, I must drink you before another comes near, is what I really fear
I’m going a bit crazy not traveling. Lately, I’ve been watching 90 Day Fiance to get my fix of seeing different cities and countries. Have you tried any virtual tours? I love the internet! There are new ones popping up on the daily! You can ride the rides at Disney, check out travel vlogs, do virtual zoo walks, check out museums you’ve always wanted to see, and you can even hit up The Vatican!
Take it a step further and travel from home. Visit a different location every day in the safety of your own home with daily themes. Dress in the latest trend of that location, change the bathroom towel colors, the flower arrangements, the home decor, etc. Do it up.
Print off pictures of the place that is the theme of the day and put them around your home. Do what you can to feel like you are in the location. Learn a couple phrases in their local slang. And don’t forget the best part, the food! Look at Pinterest and Youtube for ideas!
After taking all those virtual tours, watching nothing but Youtube videos, nature documentaries, and scrolling the Gram, you should have an idea of where you want to go. Make your bucket list for travel or update the one you already have. You have plenty of time to research.
Shopping online? Paying bills? Use that travel rewards card! When this is over, you can use those points for your vacation from quarantine. Some cards are even giving higher rewards now because of everything going on.
Everyone has been taking walks to keep from going crazy, but even walks get boring. Why not spice it up for yourself and your neighbors. Create a course where you have to jump, hop scotch, take a twisted trail, etc. Get creative. You can add to it daily if you want to.
Use chalk and draw random pictures and motivational quotes for people to see on random sidewalks or at the park. There are so many collections of good quotes, you will have no problem figuring this one out for yourself. Bring your own style into it. Make it your own. You could even use your social media handle if you want. Make new friends!
Not just any magic trick. Learn a party trick! I’m not talking about card tricks and disappearing acts. I’m talking about stuff that everyone has.
The ones you should focus on, are tricks with money (paper bills or change), something you can do with your hands, something you can do with a glass or bottle, and tricks you can do with pen and paper. (Someone always has a pen and if anything there’s usually a napkin around if not paper.) Party tricks ALWAYS come in handy and will continue to long after quarantine is lifted.
Remember all those games that were a big hit years ago? Now’s the time to dust them off and play them again. Even better if you can involve your friends somehow. Here’s some I resurrected… Make-my-own Heads Up (with old college buds), Words W Friends, Cards Against Humanity, Candy Crush, and I broke out my old Wii.
Ivy league schools are offering free courses! Don’t just sit on your butt, during quarantine. Take advantage of this awesome opportunity. You can add it to your resume for when things get back to normal. Ever thought of a career change? Now’s the time to do it, for free!
Or The Key Is To Just Learn Something. Now is the time to really go in on your hobbies. What have you always wanted to do but never had the time to do? Instead of paying for it, look for free Youtube videos, use apps like Duolingo. If you are more advanced then head to Teachable or Masterclass. Always wanted to start a blog? Check out Jessie On A Journey or Anna Sok!
I have been doing nothing but eating since quarantine has started. I loved this idea just to mix things up. Use chopsticks while you eat your potato chips or a spoon while you eat your sandwich. The weirder you make it, the better.
Learning all these dances that have gone viral will make the time flyyyyy by. After learning them during quarantine, you will look like a hero at your next family get together with all your younger relatives. It’ll also give you some smooth moves for the next wedding you go to.
Take a minute to read past all the quarantine hysteria and see what your old friends are up to via their Facebook. How is everything overseas? How’s their kids? How are their families doing? How are their pets? You never know what a simple like on their picture could do for their spirit especially if they are in an affected area.
Choose someone to write to every day. It could be a college friend, an old coworker, your grandparents, or a distant family member.
Get some “thinking of you” cards and add crazy quotes for fun. Get local postcards from your town and tell them about the seasonal cow tipping festival you are going to miss. Write a letter to the elderly that you know. Everyone will be happy to hear from you especially being stuck in their houses.
Or Start your Christmas Cards Early. ‘Nough said.
Get all your research done while you have the time to do it. And dudeeeeee, prices are so cheap right now! Take advantage of these quarantine prices while you can! (Read the fine print and make sure you can cancel with advance notice just in case.)
You cleaned everything you could in the place. As you’re going through things, take the time to fix them. Does your jacket have a button missing? Sew it up. Remember that broken chair you have in the garage? Now’s the time to fix it. Time for an oil change? Go get it done.
I have been doing at home work out challenges since the gyms have closed. Other ideas are that diet you always wanted to challenge yourself with, Marie Kondo clean your home, time management challenges, budget challenges, etc.
There are so many challenges right now, you should have no problem finding the right one for you. If you need a push, here’s some fun daily challenges and 30 day challenges I found for you.
Do you want to change your hair style? What kind of look do you want to have for summer/fall? What’s the new colors for fall and summer coming out?
Make a vision board and make your summer and fall happen! Having something to look forward to will also help cut the boredom factor. If you can afford the splurge, go ahead and buy said items.
It’s hard to remember that not everyone is quarantined. A lot of people never stopped working (especially on the front lines.)
Bring cupcakes for the workers at the nursing home you know someone at. (Even if it’s someone you aren’t that close to like an elderly person from your church.)
Draw a picture for those working at clinics and send it to them in the mail with a thank you note. (For your own safety, do not go near the front lines unless you need to.)
Order delivery or carry out from your local small businesses. If you don’t want to leave your house at the moment, buy a gift card to use there at a later date. Every little show of support counts.
The American Red Cross urgently needs your help. If you are able, donate blood. If you are unable to, try your local GoodWill or Salvation Army. Ask them what things are in need and try to donate what you can to them.
Keep in mind just how many people have been laid off, lost their jobs, or have had their hours cut. There could be a huge surge in homelessness. People like you and I could be on the streets. Anything that you can donate at this time (even if it’s just a small monetary donation) will help immensely.
Think of all those parents out there that have been doing nothing but reading books all day. Film yourself reading a book and send it to a friend who has children! Even better, put it up on Youtube so everyone can benefit from it.
Car – When was the last time you cleaned the INSIDE of your car?
Curtains – Yup, they need cleaning too.
Garage – Time to organize and put all the winter stuff away.
Repack Boxes – Still have those boxes in the corner of your basement from when you moved? Do you even know what’s in them?
Redo cupboards, closets – After the holidays, I’m sure everything got thrown wherever it fits. Time to take it all out and put it back in a way that nothing falls on your head when you open the door.
Junk drawers – Why do you even have all that junk? Time to purge.
Desk – Why do you have so many paperclips? Time to put things in an orderly spot.
BookShelf – Oh, that’s right, the books are supposed to go ON the shelf, not stack on the floor or table next to it. Also, why are they all stacked like that?
Phone – Why do you have ten pictures of the floor? Time to go through and delete all those screenshots you don’t need anymore. Who are all six of these Brads you met on tinder? Did you ever even meet up or did they just want to be pen pals?
Emails – Mine was at 5,000 unread (mostly junk mail) but yeah, I started deleting.
Time to run the shredder – Why do you still have paperwork from your first summer job? Do you really need to keep their company policies pamphlet?
Watch Live Broadcasts. Everyone is doing live concerts and broadcasts! If you miss one, check Youtube for the replay. Here’s some of my favorites…
The Tonight Show : At Home Addition – Jimmy Fallon does a family broadcast from his home Mon – Fri
Cardi B – Live on her IG. Always a good time.
Ellen – She’s just endless entertainment on her channel.
Mo Willems – The guy who does the children’s pigeon books does daily doodles
Exercises – Planet Fitness is doing live broadcasts on their facebook live daily at 7pm ET. Other gyms are stepping up and doing the same thing.
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church of Mogadore – Is doing live services. Hopefully your local church is doing live streams of services as well. If not check them out.
Puzzles. Instead of spending a fortune on all these wooden puzzles and word search workbooks etc, just get the free ones online. They have apps for that.
If you are doing a lot of puzzles as a family kind of thing, donate them to nursing homes when you are done. With no one permitted to visit, I’m sure they would love some new puzzles in the common area.
I hope you guys were inspired and don’t think I’m a huge weirdo. On a real note, I want to thank you for staying home. Some people are at high risk, and you staying at home encourages them to stay home also, and the chain goes on and on. Some are a bit headstrong and seeing everyone else taking things seriously helps them to take things seriously. So thank you!
If you liked these ideas feel free to share them with your friends and family. Kick your boredom to the curb!
I want to hear what you guys have been doing too! COMMENT below! Do you have any ideas of how to stay busy? We want to hear them.
Stay positive, stay safe, and good luck with your boredom! We will get through this together!
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