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Best Place to Sit at a Savannah Bananas Game + 16 More Insider Tips

I brought a life sized banana to a Savannah Bananas World Tour Game! Well, technically it was my cousin dressed as a banana, but the point is that you can dress as elaborate as you want and everyone is here for it! That is just one of the things that makes Savannah Bananas Games so different! Because the Savannah Bananas are taking the world by storm, I want you to be prepared before you go to one of their games! If you’re looking for the best Savannah Banana Tips, you’re in the right place! With these 17 insider tips, you’ll be more than ready to get in those stands and get those autographs! 

flight delay family guy

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Tip 17 for the best Savannah Banana’s Game experience ever, could be the most important one! How early should I arrive at Savannah Bananas?

You need to get there early. I’m talking like two hours early if you can, because this line gets really crazy. Here we are inside the gate area and just look at how many people are on the other side of the fence! This will ensure that you have a great spot to watch the parade and it will also make sure you get the best seat in the house because you’re going to be one of the first people inside the stadium!

savannah bananas parade
savannah bananas parade
savannah bananas parade

Yep, you heard me correctly, there’s a parade before every game! Everyone is involved, from Jake Schwartz the Magician, to Stilts, to The Banana Band! The players and characters walk from the back of the line all the way through the gates. So even if you’re at the back, you’ll still get a chance to high five the guys!

This happened about half an hour before the gates opened. The parade was about 15 minutes and then they opened the stadium gates soon after.

savannah bananas

For the Savannah Bananas World Tour Game, we went to Canal Park in Akron, Ohio. There was a thunderstorm in our forecast and we were watching it head our direction all morning.

The team does a great job keeping fans up to date via their social media. They let us know that the game would go on rain or shine and it did! We had the best time during the rainstorm, plus it made the game last even longer!

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

Tip number 14 of my Savannah Bananas baseball attendance guide is to make sure you bring rain gear (if rain is in the forecast) because this party does not stop. Not only does the team dance in the rain, they play games, joke around, sign autographs, and have a lot of audience participation! They put on such a good show!

Trust me, you’re going to want to stay! The Party Animals were rowing a boat in the rain from the bench when it was like pouring pouring rain. The band was still performing even though they were getting drenched. They even had a water challenge where they put up these floaties in the air and they were crowd surfing the length of the whole stadium and back! I honestly almost forgot that it was raining!

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

Umbrellas work well and all, but then you are dripping on the people around you and dripping into their food and drinks. You also don’t have free hands for the games. I was wearing a baseball cap and a raincoat (which was pretty hot), so I suggest doing something like a poncho. On a hot Summer day, it will keep you dry but not overly warm. Plus, it’s easy to throw in a pocket if it isn’t raining. The baseball cap will shield your eyes from raindrops so you can see and participate in trying to catch that baseball, merch, or floaties etc!

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

What can I bring to a Savannah Bananas Game? What should I wear to a Savannah Bananas Game?

People come dressed in all kinds of crazy outfits! The fun thing is since the Savannah Bananas are so family friendly, you will end up having kids come up to you and ask for a picture. Some parents may even ask for pictures too! It’s all fun and games so dress up as a life-size banana, dress up as a party animal, it’s all fun and neon colors at the game! 

If you are going for the Savannah Bananas wear yellow, navy blue, or anything with bananas. If you are going for the Party Animals wear pink, black, or anything with monkeys on it.

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

If you don’t have any merch, no problem! They have plenty of stands inside the stadium as well as outside the stadium. Load up on souvenirs or get something for the guys to sign!

Just a heads up they only accepted card. I’m assuming that’s a World Tour thing just so you’re prepared.

This was honestly the best part of the Savannah Bananas Game! You can actually meet all the players! They take a lot of time out before and after the game to really connect with fans. This will be the best time to get videos and things with them. Get to know the players before you go so you can get all your favorite’s autographs!

savannah bananas

During the game, they will be constantly walking around signing autographs in between innings but they have limited time before they have to go bat etc. Remember they are kind of like the Harlem Globetrotters for baseball. They have to perform and play baseball too! Don’t take it personally if they have to run off. You’ll get another chance to meet them after the game! (If they say be right back, that’s their nice way of saying byeeeee.)

savannah bananas players

The Savannah Bananas and Party Animals are willing to sign just about anything! They even signed my cousin’s banana costume! So bring a hat, shirt, jersey, whatever you want. They’ll sign your mitt too!

And, don’t forget that if you catch a ball in the stands it counts as an out! They usually will bring you down to the field too! Read up on their rules here because they are totally different and way more fun than regular baseball’s!

They sell sharpies at the stadium, but the players will usually have a sharpie on them. If you catch someone like The Magician or The Man in the Yellow Suit (he’s the owner Jesse Cole by the way!) they may be en route to their next mark and not have a sharpie so it’s better if you have one.

It’s up to you if you want to bring your own. I suggest bright colors to stand out and be different but it’s up to you depending on what you bring to sign. A basic black sharpie shows up on just about anything. 

Another autographs tips you won’t know, is that you can go down to the field to get autographs too! While you’re at it, get the Mananas autographs, the Dancing Ump, the Dancing Line Coach etc! There’s not really any rules at these games. You can approach the players and characters whenever you see them. Just always keep in mind they may be on their way running to their next mark for the next stunt they are about to do!

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Savannah Bananas tip number 8 is probably the most important tip! A lot of people pose really quick and just get a photo. You are smarter than this! Put your camera on front facing video and take a video while you are with them. This way you have a video of the moment AND you also can screen shot individual moments so you have pictures as well. 

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

Watch some of their trending videos or Youtube Streams of the games so that you know which Tik Tok dances they will be doing. When you get an autograph with them before and after the game, they will do Tik Toks and social media posts with you! Isn’t that cool! 

During the game they also do a number of dances. So, if you know the dances too, you can do them along with the players! Who know’s you may even get pulled to dance on the field!

Keep an eye out for the Manana Cheer Squad to do dances with as well. Even the dancing coaches, Banana Band, and umps will do Tik Tok dances with you too!

To participate in on-the-field contests and things, look for representatives in banana polo shirts who are usually wearing a headset and carrying a clipboard. They are in charge of finding participants for the different games and also for the free giveaways!

Every baseball game tends to have different themes when it comes to pulling people onto the field. For the game we went to, they were looking for grandparents and grandchildren. 

Even if you realize you are not part of the theme, you never know who they will pull down next! During our game, even though grandparents and grandchildren were who they were looking for, they also had baby races and a dad bod contest! You never know unless you ask!

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

Tip number six is also one of the most important tips that I can tell you about a Savannah Bananas Baseball Game and that is where to sit! Every seat in the stadium is a good seat during these games, but this seat will get you up close and personal with the players! 

You’re going to want to sit on the field access side of the Dugout. You can either do this for the Party Animal’s or the Savannah Banana’s bench, but that’s where all the action is going to happen. They’re constantly coming up and down those stairs to get on and off the field. They’re usually on their way somewhere so they won’t be able to stop for an autograph, but at least you’ll be able to see them as much as possible up close and personal. And they usually always have time for a high five! 

savannah bananas
savannah bananas players

The games are all open seating. That being said, help each other out. If there are open seats around you, let people looking know. The Savannah Bananas do have assistants who hold up signs with available seats, but especially right before the game starts and everyone is finding their seats it can get pretty crowded. Plus, most of the games do sell out. This is another reason I say go early and grab your seats. Then, you can bounce around and get autographs etc, but seats should be youre first priority.

Unless you are just there for fun! Then, there are plenty of spaces to stand and watch. There’s no one checking your tickets or anything since it is open seating, so you can go down to the dugout to try and get autographs as much as you want really. You can move seats as much as you want!

The only section you can’t go is the VIP section which is a separate ticket. You could look into it. It was pretty affordable compared to regular baseball tickets.

When standing in line for merch, make sure you are in the right spot! It gets a bit confusing when you bring food into play too. For example, a player may be standing next to a stand signing autographs and there’s a line formed to get an autograph, but YOU think you are in line for food. Or, you go to the merch line to get a Savannah Bananas hat, but you realize you’re at a Party Animals stand. Just make sure you are standing in the correct line.

While in line, there are usually multiple cashiers. Pay attention to when they wave that their spot is open. Also, be prepared to know what you want when you get to the front of the line. The prices will coordinate with the letters on the item you’re interested in.

Make sure you tag the players you take pictures with as well as the team. They are all about family friendliness and being in touch with their fans so they’re really trying to engage with you guys! Even though it may seem that you’re just a number in the stands, they really do their best to make you feel like you’re friends with them! I would say nine times out of ten, when they do see your post they’re going to like it or comment on it. They might even repost it!

Imagine how bored they must be on a tour bus. They’re probably scrolling through their social media feeds and just like the rest of us. Tag everybody including the two teams! Someone may see it and pass it on to their team mate!

This team loves the engagement and it’s just so much fun for them to see how much you love the game that they work so hard to play! Imagine trying to play baseball AND do tricks at the same time! It’s hard but they make it look so easy! 

If you’re lucky you may even be able to be in one of their Tik Toks or in the background of one of them!

savannah bananas
savannah bananas

My last tip for a Savannah Bananas Game is for people who were not able to get a ticket and they weren’t able to get into the actual game. Guys, there are parking garages all around most stadiums! If they are in your hometown, chances are you know where you can go to get a look over into the stadium. You can even just park on the roof of a parking garage and most likely you’ll be able to see into the stadium.

You can also hang out outside of the stadium! They will have the merch stands set up before and after the game and they also do the parade before and meet and greets before and after the game!

Think about it logically. Most parents are trying to herd their children and cars out of the area of the stadium after the game to avoid traffic. They may even leave early like after the 7th inning. Their kids are cranky and they’ve already gotten autographs and things. The meet and greet after the game will be your best opportunity to go in and do Tik Toks and get autographs with the players!

If you want to see highlights from the game I went to, check out this video next!

I hope this post has given you some idea of what to expect at a Savannah Banana’s Game! Honestly, you never know what you’re going to see and that’s what makes these games so fun! Our first pitch was thrown to a kid about 5 years old, who then ran all the bases, then the whole team put them up on their shoulders, and the whole stadium cheered for them. Who knows, you could be next!

Click here to check their schedule and see when The Savannah Bananas are coming to a city near you!

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